Serves 4
- 16 fresh oysters
- 1 tsp finely chopped shallot
- 100ml white wine vinegar
- 300g boneless pork neck or shoulder
- 100g pork back fat
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1tsp brandy
- ¼ tsp Five-spice powder
- 1tsp Dijon mustard
- 60g pork caul
- Vegetable oil
- A drop of Tabasco
- Salt and freshly ground pepper
Mince (grind) the pork and fat. Place in a bowl and add the garlic, brandy, five spice, mustard and Tabasco. Season with salt and pepper. Cover and leave in a cool place for 24 hours. Shape the pork mixture into balls and wrap in the caul. Mix the shallot with the vinegar. Set aside. Open the oysters and empty out the liquor from their shells. They will make a new batch of liquor in a few minutes and this will be much better. Heat a film of oil in a frying pan and colour the crépinettes on both sides. Reduce the heat and finish the cooking like a sausage. Set a crépinettes in the centre of each plate and arrange the oysters around it, serve the shallot vinegar in a sauceboat.
From Bistrot Bruno by Bruno Loubet